Mission: Brazil Joao Pessoa
Entered the MTC on: December 15, 2010
Release Date: December 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Letter from November 5th, 2012

Yeah - I for sure was pretty excited to be able to stay here in a place and with people that I'm already used to. This should be a good last couple of weeks here. I'm excited!!  This week was a pretty good week.  We haven't had too much craziness since last Wednesday.  On Friday we had an activity at the Church and had a bbq there.  They invited us to eat there.  That was awesome!   Then that night we had a member from our Ward who made us a delicious dinner.  It was super nice.
Things have been alright lately.  That man still is trying to quit smoking.  I really hope that he will be baptized before I leave.  I have created a huge love for him and his family.  We have another guy who went to Church the week before last and this past Sunday.  He seems to be liking the Church as well, so were hoping that he will show some promise.
I'm sending some pics.  One is of all of our house and the bbq.  There is also a pic of the leather scripture case that I had made for me for my English scriptures. 
I'm pretty sure that I can register for my classes now.  If Dad could, it would be nice if he could do that for me. I was thinking about doing that Freshman writing class first.   If he can sign me up for that snowboarding class, I would cry - that would be so sick!!   But, I'm sure that's a class that everyone wants to take, so if he can get me signed up now before it fills all the way up that would be awesome. Then I was thinking about like maybe a math class or something and ask him about the whole Portuguese thing because that could hook me up with a lot of credits and give a nice boost to my GPA. You know something crazy - I will only get 4 more emails from you and that's it.  Craziness!!!!   But, yeah - just tell Dad to  send me an email if he can with all of those details and stuff like that.  Hey, got to go.  Love ya and have a great week!!

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